Gus said it best: This soup is peanut sauce meets squash. If you like either, I think you’ll like this. If you like both, you’ll love it.
I called this “Secret Agent Soup” because I read somewhere that kids are more apt to eat something with a fun, creative, kid-like name. I had to come up with this one on the fly because Gus asked what it was and I certainly didn’t want to tell him “Nutty Roasted Butternut Squash Soup.” Way too boring. Way too healthy.
So, I told him it was Secret Agent Soup and he had to find out what was in it himself. This worked out splendidly because it required tasting a few bites to discern all of the different flavors. Of course, he nailed peanut sauce and squash immediately. (Technically, it’s not peanut sauce, but with the other spices it tastes a heck of a lot like it.)
This recipe is modified from a recipe for Nutty Sweet Potato Soup in this month’s Vegetarian Times.
2 tbsp. olive oil
5 cups roasted butternut squash*
4 1/2 cups vegetable broth
4 cloves garlic
3 tbsp. tomato paste
3 tbsp. creamy natural peanut butter
2 medium leeks, diced
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. tumeric
Optional: 1 tsp. harissa paste or 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper (if you want it SPICY)
Optional: 1/2 cup chopped spinach
Garnish with honey roasted peanuts.
- In a large soup pot or Dutch oven saute leeks in olive oil for 5 minutes.
- Add garlic, peanut butter, tomato sauce and spices and saute for two more minutes (add broth if needed to moisten pot).
- Add squash and broth.
- Bring to a boil, then simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Puree soup in small batches.
- Add spinach.
- Garnish with peanuts and Sriracha sauce.
* Directions for roasting a squash:
1. Cut the squash in half and scoop out the seeds. Save the seeds for toasting!
2. Set both halves face down on a baking sheet with a rim.
3. Pour enough water onto the baking sheet to cover the bottom with water.
4. Roast for 40 minutes, or until squash are tender.
5. Allow to cool, then use or store in an airtight container in the fridge for later.